Delhi & Bengal playout a tie game

‘Panga’ of Vivo Pro Kabaddi League season eight is undergoing in Bengaluru. On the second day of week eight in PKL 8, Bengal Warriors & Dabang Delhi K.C. settled for a tie 39-39.

The match started with Bengal Warriors leading the scoreboard. Dabang Delhi K.C. was all-out within few minutes. After that, the tables were turned suddenly.

Bengal was all-out before the end of first half. The halftime score was 19-18 in favour of Dabang Delhi. In the first few minutes of second half, Delhi was all-out.

This neck to neck battle ended as a draw. Bengal captain Maninder Singh picked up super 10 with 16 raid points. Ran Singh & Amit Narwal picked up 3 tackle points each.

Delhi raider Naveen Kumar scored a super 10 with 16 raid points. Vijay complimented him with 9 raid points. Skipper Joginder Singh Narwal took 3 tackle points.

Best Raiders: 

Maninder Singh – Bengal Warriors – 16 Raid Points    

Naveen Kumar – Dabang Delhi K.C. – 16 Raid Points                                       

Best Defenders: 

Ran Singh – Bengal Warriors – 3 Tackle Points    

Amit Narwal – Bengal Warriors – 3 Tackle Points              

Joginder Singh Narwal – Dabang Delhi K.C. – 3 Tackle Points