Exclusive Interview Feat Dabang Delhi KC Player Vijay Malik

Dabang Delhi KC star raider Vijay Malik played a huge role in Delhi’s title win of Pro Kabaddi League Season Eight. Vijay is returned on the mat after his recovery from the injury. Team Khel Kabaddi had an exclusive conversation with Vijay. He gave his insights on his career, Delhi team, upcoming matches & many more.

Q: Basically where you belong from? At what age did you start playing the sport of Kabaddi?

A: I live near Sonepat, Haryana state. It has been almost 12-13 years since I started playing Kabaddi.

Q: When did you decide to take Kabaddi as a profession?

A: It was never pre planned. But we used to play Kabaddi on district level, state level. Then Kabaddi got professional due to Pro Kabaddi League. That is where I got selected & took it as a profession.

Q: How were you got selected for Pro Kabaddi League?

A: I was picked up through New Young Player (NYP) of Pro Kabaddi League.

Q: What was the reaction of you family & friends when they got to know about your selection in Pro Kabaddi League?

A: When I told everyone about it my family is very happy about it.

Q: Since you are a part of Dabang Delhi for almost three seasons. Can you tell how the atmosphere in Delhi team is?

A: We all live together for almost three months. So it has been like a family to me.

Q: You played amazing in the last season. You contributed in team’s title win. Also Delhi team retained you for this season. What are your thoughts about it?

A: I feel very happy about it that I got a chance to contribute in the title win. We

Q: Since you were injured you had to miss almost twelve matches in a row, & now you are back on the mat. How much have you worked on your fitness?

A: I controlled my diet. Then exercise hard & maintained my body. Hopefully I got recovered & was able to be back on the mat.

Q: In the current season, Delhi team won first six matches. But later the team lost six consecutive matches. But when you came back from the injury the team has won three out of four matches. Do you think the team had missed your game?

A: I do not think so. Because Kabaddi is a team sport. May be if I was there my performance would have been bad too. After all it is a game. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose.

Q: When you returned on the mat & performed really well, what was on your mind?

A: I kept telling myself that we have to win the games. So I have to perform well. We try our best to win the game.

Q: As of now the competition for playoffs spots is tough. Because only two or three teams have been confirmed for the playoffs spot. What will be the strategy in the upcoming matches which are going to be extremely important?

A: Every team will try their best to reach the playoffs. We all play to win. We plan but sometimes execution is not up to the mark. We will try our best & qualify if everything falls in place on the match day

Q: In the last season you & Naveen Kumar played well together. Can we get to see it in this season too?

A: It depends upon the team we are playing against. Sometimes I may get more raids due to the requirement & vice versa. But still we try to support & play well.

Q: If you see team’s defense is still inexperienced & doing mistakes. Since you are an all-rounder, can we see you in a defensive role?

A: In the last match against Haryana Steelers, I did more tackles than the raids. So if the team requires I will definitely perform in the defense.

Q: What are your thoughts on the upcoming game which is against Gujarat Giants?

A: We will try to give our best shot. The team which will avoid doing more mistakes will ultimately win the match.

Q: Will Dabang Delhi reach the playoffs & team defend the title?

A: Yes. I am very sure about it. We will qualify & lift that trophy once again.