Puneri Paltan & Gujarat Giants playout a tie

Day six of week eight in Vivo Pro Kabaddi League season eight was another excited day. Gujarat Giants had to satisfy with the tie as 31-31 after leading the game against Puneri Paltan.

Mohit Goyat started in fine raiding form for Pune as did Rakesh for Gujarat as the score was 7-7 after 10 minutes. Gujarat with its fine raiding and defense got Pune all-out.

The halftime score was 21 Gujarat & 16 Pune. As soon as the game started in second half Puneri Paltan repaid the all-out in first few minutes. Aslam Inamdar & Mohit were on fire.

After a closely-contested first half both teams picked up points in second half too. This neck to neck competition ended up as a tie. Pune raider Mohit Goyat scored 10 raid points.

Aslam Inamdar picked up 6 raid points. Sombir earned a high 5 with 5 tackle point. Gujarat raider Rakesh notched up 10 raid points. Ajay Kumar got 8 raid points. Hadi Oshtorak took 3 raid points.

Best Raiders: 

Mohit Goyat – Puneri Palyan – 10 Raid Points

Rakesh – Gujarat Giants – 10 Raid Points

Best Defender: Sombir – Puneri Paltan – 5 Tackle Points