NEWS Rahul Chaudhari achieved this new milestone tdadmin Dec 14, 2018 0 Yesterday (14th December) the match was played between Telugu Titans and Patna Pirates. Telugu Titans beat Patna…
NEWS प्रो कबड्डी मे पोस्टर बॉय राहुल चौधरी का और एक कारनामा। tdadmin Dec 13, 2018 0 प्रो कबड्डी सीजन 6 मे आज का मुकाबला पाटणा पायर्ट्स बनाम तेलुगू टायटन्स के बीच हुवा। इस मुकाबले मे पोस्टर बॉय राहुल…
NEWS Pardeep Narwal creates history as he achieved another milestone to his name tdadmin Dec 8, 2018 0 Yesterday (7th December) Patna Pirates crushed Puneri Paltan 53-36 with the stellar performance of 'Dubki King'…