Will Dabang Delhi’s hunt for the PKL Trophy end this season?

– Ambrish Upadhyay
The season 7 runner-up Dabang Delhi KC missed the title win by close margin, which left the Delhi fans disappointed. The team performed extremely well in season 7 but lacked at some places which possibly costed them the title victory.
Delhi retained “Dabang Express” Naveen Kumar Goyat, Vijay Malik, Neeraj Narwal, Balram, Sumit & Mohit before PKL season 8 auction.
Talking about the raiding department, Delhi signed the veteran raider & former captain of Indian Kabaddi Team Ajay Thakur at a price of 46 lakhs in the auction.
Ajay has been spectacular throughout his PKL career so far scoring 790 raid points in 115 PKL matches. His presence in the team will boost up the confidence of Naveen Kumar & Vijay in raiding. Delhi also roped in the Maharashtrian raiding beast Sushant Sail at 10 lakhs in the auction.
The Iranians Emad Sedaghat (10.20 lakh) who plays as a Raider & Mohammad Malak (10 lakh) who plays as a defender were the two overseas signing made by Delhi in PKL 8 auction.
Delhi signed the 2 most experienced all-rounders of kabaddi Manjeet Chhillar (20 lakhs) & Sandeep Narwal (60 lakhs). The inclusion of these two have made the Delhi Squad unstoppable this season. The experience which these two carry on the mat is just phenomenal.
‘Mighty’ Manjeet Chhillar has scored 563 total points so far in 108 PKL matches while the ‘Jumping Jack’ Sandeep Narwal has scored 559 total points in 125 PKL matches.
Delhi also exercised the FBM card for their PKL 7 captain Joginder Narwal (20 lakh), he will be again sharing his experience on the mat in season 8.
The veteran right cover defender Jeeva Kumar was signed in at price of 44 lakhs in the auction by Delhi. Jeeva has scored 234 tackle points so far in 115 PKL matches and was also the part of PKL 7 champions Bengal Warriors in previous season.
The defense looks well balanced & experienced under the presence of the Kabaddi greats Manjeet, Sandeep, Jeeva & Joginder.
The youngsters Balram, Sumit, Mohit & Vijay will also be supporting them In the defense. Naveen Goyat will be able to play freely under the guidance of his IDOL Ajay Thakur. Delhi teams looks very balanced on the cards & the chances are high that this newly formed squad can win the maiden PKL title this season.